1% Steps for Health Care Reform: Implications for health care policy and for researchers

Health Services Research

Applied Micro-economists, health economists, and health service researchers, for the most part, want their research to have impact, to inform public policy, and, ideally, to improve the lives of the public. Indeed, for many of us, it was the desire to create ideas and generate evidence that impact policy for the better that drove us to enter careers in academia in the first place. However, producing policy-relevant research and then having that research impact the policy process is hard and can be daunting, especially to younger academics. In many cases, the debates happening over public policy can seem detached and far removed from the questions addressed in academic articles. Likewise, the step between producing work and reaching policy makers can seem enormous and potentially our of reach. To help address this problem, we launched the 1% Steps for Health Care Reform Project in February 2021.

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